Pricing information

Pricing alternatives

The price you pay is based on the number of tracking requests you send to our server, see the table below.

Traffic limit Monthly subscription Yearly subscription
5 000 requests/month $19/month $199/year
10 000 requests/month $39/month $399/year
15 000 requests/month $59/month $599/year
20 000 requests/month $79/month $799/year
30 000 requests/month $99/month $999/year
40 000 requests/month $119/month $1199/year
50 000 requests/month $139/month $1399/year
60 000 requests/month $159/month $1599/year
80 000 requests/month $179/month $1799/year
100 000 requests/month $199/month $1999/year
120 000 requests/month $219/month $2199/year
140 000 requests/month $239/month $2399/year
170 000 requests/month $259/month $2599/year
200 000 requests/month $279/month $2799/year
240 000 requests/month $299/month $2999/year
280 000 requests/month $319/month $3199/year
320 000 requests/month $339/month $3399/year

Payments are handled through Stripe or PayPal, you can pay either by credit card or with a PayPal account.


If you exceed the traffic limit of your subscription you can upgrade without any extra costs.

  • To upgrade a monthly subscription you simply pay the difference, so if you have 5000 requests and want to upgrade to 10 000 that is $39-$19 = $20.
  • With a yearly subscription you pay the difference for the months you have left, so from 5000 to 10 000 with 5 months left you pay 5*($39-$19) = $100. But you never pay more than the difference between the yearly subscriptions(200$).

You will get a warning mail if you exceed the limit and after that you have a week to upgrade.